Briana, a high school student wrote:

“I enjoyed this book because it tells the story of the English language, from its beginning to the present. The author spends time describing and explaining each morph in English resulting from inward changes and outward influences such as the invasions of the Northmen and the French, as well as the changes brought about by the printing press. King Alfred’s English introduces readers to one of the most complex, fascinating and influential languages yet to be spoken. You will come away from this book with a new appreciation for the beauty and creativity of the English language and will discover a new found affection for the language you speak. You will also understand why our language is so difficult to spell, and you will be able to trace hundreds of English words back to their origins. King Alfred’s English opened my eyes to the richness of English, and I came to see that English, a language that compiles words and concepts from many different peoples, is the perfect representation of America.”

–A well-written report, don’t you think? And here’s the link to the mom’s blog–